Wine can have varying effects on blood sugar levels, and the impact can depend on several factors, including the type of wine, the amount consumed, individual metabolism, and whether it is consumed with food.
Alcohol Content: Higher %'s can initially cause a drop in blood sugar levels. However, alcohol can also impede the liver's ability to release glucose into the bloodstream, potentially leading to an increase in blood sugar levels over time if consuming greater volumes - i.e more than daily recommended amount
Residual Sugar: The amount of residual sugar in wine can vary. Wines that are sweeter and have higher sugar content can lead to a more significant and rapid increase in blood sugar levels. A fairly good indicator would be checking the alcohol % on the back of the label - lower alc % under 11% are more likely to have higher residual sugars. A well produced white/red wine might have 2-3 grams of residual sugar / a Brut Nature Mcc or sparkling would have 0 grams of r/s (like Solovino's Meteorique MCC) , Proseccos brut doc could be in the 5-7grams R/S - while a wine with 8 % alcohol could have upto 35 grams of R/S
Mixing with Other Beverages: If wine is mixed with sugary mixers or consumed in cocktails, the impact on blood sugar levels may be greater due to the added sugars - margaritas/ pina coladas/log island ice teas. Consider vodka-tequila with a sparkling water mixer and citrus fruit
Empty Stomach vs. with Food: Drinking wine on an empty stomach may lead to a quicker spike in blood sugar levels, as there is no food to slow down the absorption of alcohol. Consuming wine with a meal can mitigate this effect, as the presence of food can slow down the absorption of alcohol and moderate its impact on blood sugar. Medical advise suggests not to drink alcohol when you have low blood sugar levels and this is better controlled if drinking with meals (some carbs and some proteins)
Individual Factors: Individual responses to alcohol can vary. Factors such as medication, mood, size all make this a minefield to determine the affects or predict reactions. Moderation and awareness of body reactions are key to understanding your limits
- Carbohydrates in wine and spirits - Surprisingly only a trace of carbohydrate is in spirits and roughly four grams of carbs in a glass of wine. The exception is sweet dessert wines, which pack 14 grams of carb in a tiny glass.
It's essential to note that while moderate alcohol consumption may have some health benefits for certain individuals (consuming occasional red wine has been shown to have health benefits), excessive alcohol intake can lead to a range of health problems, including the risk of developing diabetes or exacerbating existing diabetes.
If you have concerns about how wine may affect your blood sugar levels, your weight, blood pressure , you should consider drinking in moderation, with meals (Not too heavy on the carbs), good quality wines or spirits (less cocktails) without sugary mixtures